Our once great Republic is being destroyed from within due to a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). We suffer from a debilitating lack of knowledge and understanding of our founding documents, the rule of law, and the biblical purpose and scope of civil government. An astounding portion of our citizenry (sadly including the Church) have not been trained in the basics of how our government is supposed to work under the United States Constitution. The times in which we live make it imperative that young and old alike learn how our government is supposed to function under the Federal Constitution. For those that claim Christ, the bar is even higher. The Bible commands those that claim Christ to take “every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Unfortunately, for far too many Christians today, the workings of civil government is an afterthought, if even a thought at all (see The Question That Needs an Answer on the Home page).
This course although entitled Constitutional Law is much more that this. The course is not designed only for those pursuing future aspirations in law. As a matter of fact, only a small percentage that have taken this course have gone that route...the purpose of this course is more about training young believers in the biblical worldview of civil government and the rule of law (something our churches ought to be doing). The course helps break down fears to what can be an intimidating subject but was never meant to be and make understanding the original intent, designs, and workings of the worlds greatest governing document and make it accessible to everyone including young people. I believe the preservation of our Republic ultimately depends on citizens who know enough to demand fidelity to our governing document and the rule of law.
Our primary textbook for the entire course is "Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens" by Michael Farris, former President and Chief Legal Counsel Alliance Defending Freedom and co founder of Home School Legal Defense Association. Along with this text we add a history component at the beginning of the course before getting into any of the actual Constitutional Law case studies. I have taught the course to home school students for the last 24 years to almost 300 students and offer this course every year for 10th – 12th graders. The course is designed to give young believers a solid foundation on many issues facing citizens today, but even more important it will provide a solid Christian worldview foundation for the purpose of civil government and the rule of law. The course covers the history of the U.S. Constitution and 30 specific Supreme Court cases including Roe v. Wade and it's overturn in Dobbs. Typically, we also take a trip in the March / April time frame to the South Carolina Supreme Court to observe oral argument in actual appellate cases and to the Statehouse to observe the SC General Assembly in session.
The course runs two semesters (the entire school year) and students are required to purchase their own textbook (2nd Edition "Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens). Students will be required to write two "Position Papers" during the course defending their position on a case or Constitutional issue. This course will require effort on the part of the student and I will take the students through the material step by step, week by week. All that is required is for your student to be willing to work hard and they will have no problem at all and will be well versed in how our government is supposed to work under the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Throughout the course, we connect the dots between what they are studying/learning and the biblical worldview.
The course is taught on Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM – 6:45 PM and runs from the first Thursday in Sept – to the first Thursday in May (approx 32 weeks). The cost is $350 for the year. That said, I also do this course as calling to train young people to engage for Christ in the kingdom of men. If the course fee is a hardship, discuss with me one on one and I will work with you and/or provide a scholarship if necessary. I don't want anyone to not be able to take the course due to financial hardship.
If you have a 10th – 12th grader (must be at least age 16) that you would like to see take this course, please read over the Course Syllabus in the Course Resources section below. After looking over the syllabus, download the Parent/Student course questionnaire, fill it out, scan it, and return it to me. I will then contact you. If you have any questions at all about the course, contact me via my contact page with "Constitutional Law Course" as the subject line.
"My friend Bob Menges is a knowledgeable and engaging instructor of the United States Constitution and our founding documents. He has used my Constitutional Law materials for over 23 years and has effectively taught the principles of freedom, and limited government under the Rule of Law to hundreds of high school students, churches, and other citizen groups across the Southeast. Bob is a great patriot and is passionate about helping those that claim Christ understand the relationship between the biblical worldview and American civil government. Bob also worked with me on the Convention of States Project when it was launched in 2013."
"Both of my daughters had the privilege of taking Bob Menges' high school course, Constitutional Law / American Government. It was a privilege because the course was so much more than studying the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court cases. Bob's love for this country and his enthusiasm for the Constitution made law and government come alive, not only during class time, but also throughout our daily conversations. My daughters' futures do not lie in government, but they were already concerned about being responsible citizens. This course gave them the tools and understanding they needed to fully comprehend their rights and responsibilities -- and to understand the powers and limits of the U.S. government under the Constitution. The study of Supreme Court cases opened the door for them to see how so much more than voting is required of our citizenry. This was not just a course for high school credit; it was a gift that will serve them well throughout their adult lives."
"My two teens took Bob’s excellent Constitutional Law/American Government class. He clearly stated the course objectives and student goals and expectations at the beginning of the year. Bob spent a couple of class periods talking about the founding of America and shared a detailed historical timeline with the students. Using Mike Farris’s book Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens, the teens were able to understand the importance of being informed citizens. The bulk of the course dealt with studying 30 US Supreme Court cases and how those decisions affected our society in a very real way. The highlight of the course was traveling to Columbia and sitting in on three South Carolina Supreme Court cases and observing the SC Senate from the gallery. These experiences brought the course full circle in that my teens were able to see in action the workings of two of the branches of government. I highly recommend this class to others."
"My daughter is in the throes of completing a course in Constitutional Law taught by Bob Menges. This two-semester course has proved to be an invaluable experience, not only for our daughter, but for all of us. She realizes now after studying for her final exam how much she has learned. It has dramatically increased her awareness, not to mention interest, in current affairs. This course has also enhanced the value and understanding of the the history that we have been studying concurrently. The grand finale to the course was a field trip to the State Supreme Court where we observed the court in session, followed by a visit to the Senate and House. Mr. Menges' knowledge and familiarity with the system truly made this a most informative and intriguing experience for all who had the privilege of attending. A huge resounding thank you to Bob Menges is in order!
"My son has thoroughly enjoyed the Constitutional Law course this year. He was a bit reluctant at the beginning of the year – not sure what Mom was signing him up for ...haha! It has been amazing to see how informed he has become with the original intent of the framers. Just recently, we heard about the Clemson football coach coming under fire for some of his actions with the team. Isaac was able to recognize right away the truth and how the coach was in alignment with the Constitution and had done nothing wrong. Isaac cited similar cases to support the coach."