Towards a Renewed Mind
Connecting Dots Between the Biblical Worldview and American Civil Government.
Towards a Renewed Mind
Connecting Dots Between the Biblical Worldview and American Civil Government.
Connecting Dots Between the Biblical Worldview and American Civil Government.
Connecting Dots Between the Biblical Worldview and American Civil Government.
In the second chapter of the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul says “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.“ – Romans 12:1-2
My passion, prayer, and hope is that this website would be used to help those that claim Christ to transform and renew their minds to the biblical principles concerning civil government and thus bring Glory to God for His indescribable wisdom. Furthermore, that God's people would then live rightly and in doing so, that they would impact the kingdom of men for His Glory!
What do the scriptures have to say about Civil Government? Do they speak to the issue at all? It is important to remember that there is a Biblical and an unbiblical way to think about any issue or area of life. Nancy Pearcey notes that many believers often compartmentalize their lives into the sacred and the secular—as if some areas of life can be governed by scripture while others ares are left to flounder with our own thinking as if in the dark. When we compartmentalize our faith, we miss important biblical truths that point us to right living designed to glorify the creator of all things.
The truth is that the scriptures are not silent when it comes to civil government and they indeed do offer us guidance—guidance that many times is either overlooked or erroneously taught by well meaning believers. I hope this website helps you be drawn to the wisdom of God by providing some focus to that guidance. And ultimately that the One who is the author of life and liberty is lifted up before all men.
Bob is an accomplished Constitutional consultant, mentor, published author, veteran of the United States Air Force, and an expert on the U.S Constitution. He has served as an Elder, Deacon and Bible teacher for over 30 years. His passion is to serve God by helping others understand and apply the Christian worldview.
America's founders and Constitution framers created a system of civil government unlike any other of it's day. They created a system whereby man would be under law rather then law under men. This principle was expounded upon by the great Church reformer Samuel Rutherford in the mid 1600s in his work "Lex Rex", Latin for Law is King rather than the prevailing political philosophy of the day, Rex Lex, or King is Law. The founders understood the Biblical principle of the Depravity of Man and adopted this system to set law above men. Therefore, in the United States of America, the ultimate earthly governing authority with whom believers are required to submit to under God (Romans 13), is not a human office holder, but rather the United States Constitution and the rule of law.
The question that must be asked and answered - If the United States Constitution is the highest law of the land and Romans 13 tells the Christian that he/she must obey the "governing authorities" can the Christian in our nation obey the command in Romans 13 without having an understanding of the United States Constitution?
A detailed message on this subject can be found with the following link.
How did we get to the point where so few understand our how our government is supposed to function under the United States Constitution? To answer that we need to go back to the summer of 1788 in Richmond, Virginia.
The setting was Virginia's Ratification Convention for the new United States Constitution.
The elected delegates from all over the commonwealth had assembled to determine whether or not Virginia would ratify the new Federal Constitution. The list of delegates is legendary, men like Patrick Henry, James Madison, John Marshall, George Mason, and James Monroe, I could go on and on…a virtual who’s who of framers and founders. Heated debate was the order of the day. On one hand the Federalists were pushing the new Constitution due to the utter failure of the Articles of Confederation, the fledgling nations first set of bylaws. On the other hand were Anti Federalists, men who feared an all too powerful central government. After much heated debate, which in one instance almost produced a duel…a man little known to us today, a man by the name of George Nicholas rose to his feet to address the raucous assembly.
George Nicholas's comment that sweltering day in June was simple but contained a profound message that rings powerful 225 years later… a message we need to hear loud and clear today. His statement…“An enlightened people will never suffer what was established for their security to be perverted to an act of tyranny.” Do you see the operative word in Mr. Nicholas’s statement? He said “an enlightened people”. The premise of Mr. Nicholas statement was absolutely correct...that is, if we had an enlightened citizenry. An "enlightened" citizenry would be needed to safeguard the Constitution against men that would ignore it, or pervert it. Today we have a citizenry for the most part devoid of the understanding that Mason assumed; therefore many of our elected leaders...not only the President...but many in the congress and the judiciary blatantly ignore the Rule of Law in carrying out the duties of their office. Ultimately we bear the responsibility for permitting them to do this without holding them accountable. But how can a citizenry that has become so disconnected from basic Constitutional literacy and understanding hold elected officials accountable?
The answer lies in our first realizing that most of us today have not been taught the basics of the manual for our government, the United States Constitution. This site contains a 12 week course I taught during the summer/fall of 2012. I have placed the videos of each session on this site so that you can take the course free of charge and begin to learn how our government is supposed to work under the Constitution. Each session is approximately one hour in length and they can be watched at your own leisure. I encourage you to watch them all and pass on this website to all your friends.
I would be glad to teach this course to large or small groups in churches or other venues. Please use the "Contact" page to get in touch with me..
Bob Menges provides expert testimony in support of H3125 (Convention of States Project Resolution) before South Carolina House of Representatives Study Committee - 13 February 2020.
Bob Menges - Convention of States Interview